Today’s Word

The Purpose of Knowing (2)

I know, O LORD, that Your judgments are righteous, and that in faithfulness You have afflicted me.  Psalm 119:75  NASB Faithfulness – Amen to that!  Amen to what?  To the faithfulness of God when He afflicts me!  The Hebrew is emuna’, from the same root as Amen.  God is faithful.  That means He is trustworthy,…
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The Purpose of Knowing (1)

I know, O LORD, that Your judgments are righteous, and that in faithfulness You have afflicted me.  Psalm 119:75  NASB Your judgments – I wonder if we can confidently echo David’s poetry.  Do we really know that the judgments of the Lord are righteous, every one of them?  The Hebrew is ki-tsedeq (righteous, just, justice,…
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The Closed Door

And to whom did He swear that they should not enter His rest, but to those who were disobedient?  And so we see that they were not able to enter because of unbelief.  Hebrews 3:18-19  NASB Unbelief – God closes the door to those who do not believe.  They do not enter His rest.  So…
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Flash Mob

So then, some were shouting one thing and some another for the assembly was in confusion, and the majority did not know for what cause they had come together.  Acts 19:32  NASB Assembly – So why don’t the translators call this mob a “church”?  The Greek word is ekklesia, almost uniformly translated “church” in New…
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Spiritual Presumption

for if God did not spare the natural branches, neither will He spare you.  Romans 11:21  NASB Spare – Why did God break off some of the branches from the root of the olive tree?  Ah, before you answer, notice a few things.  First, only some of the braches were broken off.  Not all Israel…
Read the full article Spiritual Presumption


but Israel, pursuing a law of righteousness, did not arrive at that law.  Why?  Because they did not pursue it by faith, but as though it were by works.  Romans 9: 31-32a  NASB By – How are we supposed to live?  By faith, of course.  But what does that mean?  Paul cites Habakkuk in the…
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