Today’s Word

The Unfamiliar Familiar

Only that shall happen which has happened, only that occur which has occurred; there is nothing new beneath the sun!  Ecclesiastes 1:9  JPS Nothing new – “Same old, same old,” we say.  Or “What goes around comes around.”  Life just repeats itself.  But this often leads to cyclical amnesia.  Because we are so familiar with…
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“Born Again” in Luke

it seemed fitting for me as well, having investigated everything carefully from the beginning, to write it out for you in consecutive order, most excellent Theophilus,  Luke 1:3  NASB From the beginning – When we investigated the translation of John 3:3, we discovered that the usual rendition, “born again,” is a mistranslation of the Greek…
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The Erotic God

Let him kiss me with the kisses of his mouth, for your love is better than wine.  Song of Songs 1:2 (translation, Tremper Longman III) Love – Song of Songs presents the religious world of Judaism and Christianity with a real challenge.  The sexual innuendo, imagery and behavior of the actors in this poem would…
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Overwhelming Passion

Draw me after you:  let’s run!  The king has brought me into his bedroom.  Song of Songs 1:4 (translated by Tremper Longman III) Draw me – Is the woman of the Song of Songs just out-of-control?  Does her passionate desire simply overcome proper decorum?  Is she so intent on love-making that nothing will stand in…
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The Case Law God

. . . that He might be just and the justifier of the one who has faith in Jesus.  Romans 3:26  ESV Just – In our thinking, justice means following the rule of law.  But in the ancient Near East, justice is conformity to prior paradigm cases and traditions.  In our world, a legal structure…
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