Today’s Word


and I have observed all that God brings to pass.  Indeed, man cannot guess the events that occur under the sun,  For man tries strenuously, but fails to guess them; and even if a sage should think to discover them he would not be able to guess them.  Ecclesiastes 8:17  JPS To guess – Michael…
Read the full article Star-gazer

Hidden in Plain Sight

And the inscription of the charge against Him read, “THE KING OF THE JEWS.”  Mark 15:26  NASB King – The conversation between Yeshua and Pilate is about being king.  The charge against Yeshua is about being king.  The crime is sedition, incitement to rebel against a king.  The crowds that want Him crucified proclaim Caesar…
Read the full article Hidden in Plain Sight

The Blind God

Your eyes are too pure to approve evil, and you can not look on wickedness with favor.  Why do You look with favor on those who deal treacherously?  Why are You silent when the wicked swallow up those more righteous than they?  Habakkuk 1:13  NASB Can not look – Can God look on evil?  Can…
Read the full article The Blind God


The man said, “This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: She shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man.” Genesis 2:23  NASB Man – Something odd is happening in this story about the first man.  Up to this point, the word used for “man” is adam.  God…
Read the full article Switch

What God Can’t Do

And about the ninth hour Jesus cried out with a loud voice, saying, “Eli, Eli lama Sabachthani?” that is, “My God, My God, why hast Thou forsaken Me?”  Matthew 27:46  NASB Eli, Eli – It is common Christian interpretation to view this verse as the cry of Jesus when Sin (with a capital S) fell…
Read the full article What God Can’t Do

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