Today’s Word

Philanthropy Begins at Home

to sum up, let all be harmonious, sympathetic, brotherly, kind-hearted and humble in spirit.  1 Peter 3:8 NASB Humble – In Greek this word is philophrones.  Now you get to do a little Greek investigation yourself.  You already know both parts of this word.  Can you put the two parts together here and create a…
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Gut-level Goodness

to sum up, let all be harmonious, sympathetic, brotherly, kind-hearted and humble in spirit”  1 Peter 3:8  NASB Kind-hearted – eusplanchnoi in Greek.  Wow! Don’t even try to say this word.  The prefix eu means “well” or “good” (you remember eulogize?).  But “good” what?  The second part of the word (splanchnon) means “intestine” or in…
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The City on the Hill

to sum up, let all be harmonious, sympathetic, brotherly, kind-hearted and humble in spirit.  1 Peter 3:8  NASB Brotherly – This is a word you are not likely to forget, once you know what it is.  The word is philadelphio.  We have a city in Pennsylvania by that name.  It literally means “brotherly love.”  There…
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Sui Generis Sensitivity

to sum up, let all be harmonious, sympathetic, brotherly, kind-hearted and humble in spirit.  1 Peter 3:8  NASB Sympathetic – Sumpatheis.  A combination word from sum (with or added to) and pathos (suffering, misfortune).  This word means a lot more than the watered down version we have in English.  Sympathetic in English carries the idea…
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Fuller Fear

The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge.  Proverbs 1:7  NASB Fear – Last year (October 2, 2011) we examined Moses Luzzatto’s insight into the meaning of yirat adonai (YHWH).  Ira Stone commented on Luzzatto’s examination.  It’s worth reading again: “It should by now be clear that the term yirat Ha-Shem [yirat adonai] cannot simply…
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