Today’s Word

The Sleeper Must Awaken

As a dream when one awakes, so O Lord, when you awake, you shall despise their image.  Psalm 73:20  Hebrew World translation Dream – Ah, so you didn’t realize that Frank Herbert[1] employed Hebrew thinking, did you?  Well, maybe it was just an accident (really?).  The Hebrew word halom (dream) has a decidedly different use…
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Asaph Doubles Down

Surely you set them in slippery places; you cast them down into ruin.  How they are brought into desolation in a moment, utterly consumed with terrors!  Psalm 73:18-19  Hebrew World translation Terrors – What does Asaph have to do with the prayer of Jabez?  You will have to read both in Hebrew to know the…
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Promises, Promises

Surely you set them in slippery places; you cast them down into ruin.  How they are brought into desolation in a moment, utterly consumed with terrors!  Psalm 73:18-19  Hebrew World translation Slippery places – How many promises have been made to you that were broken?  In an election year like this one, we will probably…
Read the full article Promises, Promises

Hebrew Certainty

Surely you set them in slippery places; you cast them down into ruin.  How they are brought into desolation in a moment, utterly consumed with terrors!  Psalm 73:18-19  Hebrew World translation Surely – What do you know for sure?  What is it that absolutely cannot be doubted?  That is a question that has plagued the…
Read the full article Hebrew Certainty

What Lies Behind

Till I came to the sanctuaries of God, understood what would be their end.  Psalm 73:17  (Robert Alter translation) End – The amazingly insightful Hebrew word aharit commonly refers to what comes after, later or behind.  We have noted Wolff’s description of the “backwards” nature of its temporal connection.  We think of the future “ahead”…
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But in vain I kept my heart pure and in innocence washed my palms.  For I was afflicted all day long, and my chastisement, each new morning.  Psalm 73:13-14  (translation – Robert Alter) Afflicted – There are two kinds of purity in Scripture: ritual and moral.  Some prescriptions address ritual impurity without any suggestion of…
Read the full article Contagious

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