Today’s Word

Reworking the Paradigm

Come near me, redeem me.  Because of my enemies, ransom me.  Psalm 69:19 [Hebrew Bible]  Robert Alter Ransom – Let’s examine the implicit paradigm in this verse.  Remember that the true role of the exegete is to interpret the text according to the thought patterns of the original audience and author.  That means making crystal…
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Express Delivery

And hide not Your face from Your servant, for I am in straits.  Hurry, answer me.  Psalm 69:18 [Hebrew Bible]  Robert Alter Hurry – First we need to clear up an English rendering of צָרַר tsarar.  Alter’s choice doesn’t fit the topography of Israel.  The English “strait” is usually associated with a narrow body of…
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The God of Moses

Answer me, LORD, for Your kindness is good, in Your great compassion turn to me.  Psalm 69:17 [Hebrew Bible]  Robert Alter Great compassion – God cares.  If we learn nothing else from Scripture, this is enough.  We might not know how He demonstrates that care.  We may think He has forgotten all about us.  We…
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Hell on Earth

Let the waters’ current not sweep me away and let not the deep swallow me and let the Pit not close its mouth on me. Psalm 69:16 [Hebrew Bible]  Robert Alter The Pit – Think of Beersheba.  The well of seven.  bĕʾēr, the Hebrew word for well or pit, is used in Genesis 16:14 in…
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Let Me Reiterate

Save me from the mire, that I not drown.  Let me be saved from my foes and from the watery depths.  Let the waters’ current not sweep me away and let not the deep swallow me.  Psalm 69:15-16a [Hebrew Bible]  Robert Alter Save me – Back to the beginning.  The metaphor of drowning is still…
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The Hesitant Petitioner

But I—may my prayer to You, O LORD, come in a favorable hour.  God, as befits Your great kindness, answer me with Your steadfast rescue.  Psalm 69:14 [Hebrew Bible]  Robert Alter But I – Most English Bibles gloss this Hebrew word, rendering it as “but as for me.”  However, Alter correctly catches the hesitation, the…
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