Today’s Word

Sin Revisited (3)

And YHWH Elohim formed Man out of dry, loose earth dirt Genesis 2:7a (my translation) Formed – “To bring desire into existence.”  That’s yatsar.  God desired partnership in the regulation and enhancement of His creation.  That desire was manifested in the formation of Man.  Because the desire to bring into existence is the essence of…
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Sin Revisited (2)

And YHWH Elohim formed Man out of dry, loose earth dirt Genesis 2:7a (my translation) Formed – We’ve learned that this occurrence of yatsar contains a double Yod.  The rabbis tell us that this indicates the two impulses of Man, the yetser ha-tov and the yester ha’ra.  It’s pretty clear that tov (good) and ra…
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Sin Revisited (1)

And YHWH Elohim formed Man out of dry, loose earth dirt Genesis 2:7a (my translation) Formed – Something very odd occurs in this verse.  In fact, there are two rather unusual linguistic events here.  The first is about how we were made.  Normally, the verb yatsar (to form, to fashion, to shape) is spelled Yod-Tsadde-Resh. …
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The Air-Conditioned Church

But she answered and said to Him, “Yes, Lord, but even the dogs under the table feed on the children’s crumbs.” Mark 7:28  NASB Under the table – Have you thrown someone under the table?  Isn’t that the point of this story?  The woman is a true outsider.  She isn’t a citizen anywhere.  Mark says…
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The Last Word

But I am poor and needy, yet the Lord takes thought for me; you are my help and my savior; delay not, O God. Psalm 40:18  (Hebrew World) I am poor – Back up one verse.  “Let all those who seek You rejoice and be glad in You, let those who love Your salvation say…
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Hurricane Force

Deep calls to deep at the noise of Your cataracts; all Your waves and Your billows have gone over me. Psalm 42:7 (Hebrew text – translation Hebrew World) Your – You’re waiting for the big one.  Floating on the ocean, slipping over the little waves with relative ease, you wait for the one big thrill,…
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