Today’s Word

Ethical Relativism

Against You, and You only, I  have sinned and done what is evil in Your sight. Psalm 51:4 (NASB) Only – “What’s the problem?  It doesn’t hurt anyone?”  So goes the excuse for “victimless” crimes.  The world’s view of ethical action begins with “Do no harm,” and as long as no one suffers, most people…
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Divine Knowing

“He judged the cause of the poor and needy; then it was well.  Is this not to know Me?” says YHWH. Jeremiah 22:16 Know – What does it mean to know God?  The quick answer in our culture is “having a personal relationship with Him.”  And what does that mean?  A reference to a point…
Read the full article Divine Knowing

Picking A Winner

. . . So choose life in order that you may live, you and your descendents. Deuteronomy 30:19 Choose – The Hebrew verb bahar means “to choose, to pick, to take a keen look at.”  But the pictograph is more revealing.  ­Bet-Chet-Resh draws the picture of “house-fence-person.”  In other words, separating the person from the…
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The Morgue

For behold, YHWH will go froth from His place, to punish the iniquity of the inhabitants of the earth, and the earth shall disclose the blood shed upon her, and shall no longer cover up her slain. Isaiah 26:21 Cover Up – It will be a day of terrible consequence.  It will be a day…
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Depart from evil and do good, so you will abide forever. Psalm 37:27 Abide Forever – If we read this verse from an evangelical perspective, we will be quite happy with the translation “abide forever.”  That translation fits our conception of eternal life.  But the Tanakh has almost nothing to say about a life of…
Read the full article Rereading

Recovery Plan

The steps of a man are ordered from YHWH, and He will delight in his way.  Though he falls, he will not be cast down, for YHWH upholds his hand. Psalm 37:23-24 Falls – Are you a person who delights in the Lord?  Do you seek Him and serve Him?  Are the steps of your…
Read the full article Recovery Plan

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