Today’s Word

How Long?

God, do not be far from me; my God, hurry to my aid!  Psalm 71:12 Hurry – You remember these lines from another psalm?  “How long, Lord? Will You forget me forever?  How long will You hide Your face from me?  How long am I to feel anxious in my soul, with grief in my heart all the day?  How long will…
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Deuteronomic Sin

Saying, “God has abandoned him; pursue and seize him, for there is no one to save him.”  Psalm 71:11  NASB Abandoned – What are the consequences of living in a religiously public world?  What do people assume to be true if their paradigm claims that public circumstances are the direct result of the will of God?  These…
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The Watchers

For my enemies have spoken against me; and those who watch for my life have consulted together,  Psalm 71:10  NASB Watch for my life – Don’t read this as if others are watching over you!  In this verse, the psalmist identifies those who watch in order to see him fail.  They’ve teamed up with his enemies and…
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Do not cast me away at the time of my old age; Do not abandon me when my strength fails.  Psalm 71:9 Cast me away – Retire sooner—die sooner.  Oh, oops!  I thought that should have read, “Retire sooner—live longer,” but in fact the research seems to point in the other direction.  A study reported in the Harvard…
Read the full article Retirement

Malaki update

Baby Malaki had EEG, blood test, and ultrasound.  The neurologist told Michael that they will be able to determine a care plan after evaluation, but he said it does not appear to be more damage.  Malaki will be in the ICU today and maybe tomorrow. However, my son, Michael, his father, is really struggling with…
Read the full article Malaki update

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