Today’s Word


The young lions have lacked and been hungry, but those who seek YHWH shall not lack any good thing.  Psalm 34:11 Those Who Seek – The Hebrew word vedorshei might be translated “but those who seek,” but such a translation converts the Hebrew grammar into English grammar.  You see, vedorshei is the combination of a…
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An Internal Paradox

Taste and see that the Lord is good, happy the man who shelters in Him. Psalm 34:9  (R. Altar translation) The Man – What kind of man shelters in the Lord?  What kind of man runs to God for rescue?  Our first response might be “a man in trouble.”  Behind that answer is the assumption…
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Deeper Still

Fear YHWH, His holy ones, for they who fear Him lack nothing. Psalm 34:10 (Hebrew text) Lack Nothing – The Hebrew particle ayin is used hundreds of times in Scripture to negate some action.  You’ll find it in Isaiah 40:17 as a comparative (“it is as nothing”) and in Psalm 32:9 to describe something lacking…
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The Meaning Of “Is”

Taste and see that the Lord is good, happy the man who shelters in Him. Psalm 34:9  (R. Altar translation) Is – Much to the dismay of all moral people, Bill Clinton traded personal ethics for sophistry on meaning of the word “is.”  Had he been a follower of the Hebrew God, he would have…
Read the full article The Meaning Of “Is”

Passive To Active

Let each of us please his neighbor for his good, to his edification. Romans 15:2 Please – Negotiating for one’s own good.  That’s the idea behind the classical Greek use of aresko.  It is essentially a passive act, that is, an action that reflects back on the subject.  It isn’t passive in the sense that…
Read the full article Passive To Active

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