Today’s Word

Saying Goodbye

“and you shall not glean your vineyard and you shall not gather what has been left of your vineyard: you shall leave them to the poor and the alien; I am YHWH your Elohim.” Leviticus 19:10 Poor – We glean.  We reap.  We take everything we can get.  Capitalism without holiness results in wrath.  It…
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Alien Nation

“You must be holy, for I, the LORD your God, am holy.” Leviticus 19:2 Must Be Holy – The Bible is the story of God’s confrontation with His created world.  You cannot expect to read the text without being challenged, convicted and concerned.  Yes, it contains words of comfort.  Yes, it contains promises of blessing. …
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Straight-line Depreciation

For even though they knew God, they did not honor Him as God or give thanks; but they became futile in their speculations, and their foolish heart was darkened. Romans 1:21 Foolish Heart – Are you sitting down?  You might want to.  As we approach the end of this year (according to the pagan calendar),…
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Jude’s Psalm

O YHWH, how great are Your works!  Your thoughts are very deep!  A senseless man does not know, and a fool does not understand this. Psalm 92:5-6 Senseless Man – Perhaps Christmas day should be a day of serious reflection, not on the birth of the Messiah but on the foolishness of Man.  How far…
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Biblical IQ

All this I have tested by wisdom:  I said, “I will be wise;” but it was far from me. Ecclesiastes 7:23 Far From Me – Tonight Christendom celebrates a great mystery.  It doesn’t matter for the moment that Christians are generally ignorant of the true history of this night.  We can correct our mistaken dates…
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