Today’s Word

Tomorrow’s Bread

Do not labor for the food which perishes but for the food which endures to everlasting life, which the Son of Man will give to you; for God the father sealed this one. John 6:27 Do Not Labor – The daily devotional of Oswald Chambers for July 27 is profound. One of the sentences reads,…
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Faith Is Action

“You were faithful over a few things; I will set you over many. Matthew 25:23 Faithful – God gives. That is an essential part of the foundation of Christian thought. God, the Sovereign Master of the universe, gives. He determines the distribution of assets. They are His, not ours. He determines the degree of obligation….
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The Difference

  “How often I desired to gather your children in the way a bird gathers her chicks from under her wings.And you did not desire it.”Matthew 23:37 Did Not Desire – My wife and I had a 3AM conversation.Obviously, it was serious.She pointed out, rightly so, that I struggle with the willingness to remove those…
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Dictionary Definitions

If you will not believe, surely you will not be established. Isaiah 7:9 Believe – What is faith? Ah, it seems like such a simple question until you try to give your definition. Faith is _____________. You’ll probably need a pretty big blank space to fill in. Just remember faith is a verb, so don’t…
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Walk This Way

with all humility and meekness, with long-suffering, bearing with one another in love Ephesians 4:2 Bearing – How do prisoners walk? Paul describes each step. Humility and meekness is the first foot forward, then long-suffering, then bearing with one another. We have probably heard a lot about humility. Perhaps we have even been given instruction…
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Hard Time

Therefore I, the prisoner of the Lord, exhort you to walk worthily of the calling in which you were called, Ephesians 4:1 Prisoner – What was it like to be a prisoner in the first century Roman Empire? One rather famous dungeon in Rome was twelve feet underground. It doesn’t take much to imagine the…
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