Today’s Word

Speaking Without Words

The heavens declare the glory of God  Psalm 19:2 (Hebrew text) Declare – One of the faithful members of our worldwide community sent me this intriguing quote: “The Mystery of Dark Matter Something strange is afoot in modern cosmology. Scientists insist that 96% of the universe’s mass is actually invisible, detectable only through its gravitational…
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Truth or Fiction

All flesh is grass, and all its grace as the flower of the field.   Isaiah 40:6 Grass – “The difference between truth and fiction is that fiction has to make sense.”  So said the ex-Communist colonel in the recent film, The International.  This is great script writing.  We do expect our novels to make sense. …
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Prayer and Praise

for Yours is the Kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever.  Amen.  Matthew 6:13 Is – Life is a struggle, isn’t it?  Things don’t always go the way they should.  Tragedy and trials are a part of our daily existence.  In spite of prayers for bread, guidance and deliverance, bad things happen.  Maybe God…
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The God Of War

but deliver us from evil   Matthew 6:13 Deliver – But do we really want to be delivered?  Delivered means facing reality as it is, no fantasies, no band-aids, no idol protection.  Maybe we aren’t so quick to be delivered because it’s so frightening.  Isn’t that exactly what happens when we turn back to the idols…
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Street Signs

And do not lead us into temptation  Matthew 6:13 Lead Us – How are we supposed to understand this strange phrase?  God doesn’t tempt anyone.  The Bible is clear about that.  God is holy.  All that He does is holy.  There is no possibility that He would ever entice anyone to sin.  So, what can…
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Who Pays The Bill?

“and forgive us our debts as we also forgive our debtors”  Matthew 6:12 As We Also – It’s such a well-known phrase that we don’t really pay close attention to its implications.  It just runs off our lips like drinking from a hose.  But there is something very important here; important because it is right…
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