Today’s Word

Hebrew Think

“Likewise, you husbands, dwelling together with your wives according to knowledge,” 1 Peter 3:7 According To Knowledge – “Likewise” establishes the purpose. “Dwelling together” establishes the goal. The verb “dwelling together” is sunoikein. The LXX translates the Hebrew yada with this verb in reference to sexual intercourse within marriage. This is a fully-intimate marriage relationship. In…
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“Likewise, you husbands, dwelling together with your wives according to knowledge,” 1 Peter 3:7 Bridges Likewise – It is unfortunate that Christianity has been slandered with the idea that wives are the submissive slaves of their husbands. Only sloppy exegesis and political correctness could have distorted the concept of submission in this way. Any careful scholarly…
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Noun Boxes

 Thus says the LORD, “Keep justice and do righteousness.”  Isaiah 56:1 Do Righteousness –  Another verb, another noun.  Isaiah continues his summary of God’s instructions for life with two more insights.  The verb is ‘asah.  It describes an activity that is focused on accomplishing a designated purpose.  If this were a Greek word, we would…
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The Greatest Commandment (1)

Thus says the LORD, “Keep justice and do righteousness.”  Isaiah 56:1 Keep Justice – One of the marks of Torah scholarship was the ability of the rabbi to summarize all the Law in a comprehensive and dense saying.  The scribes posed this challenge to Yeshua when they asked for His summation of all the commandments…
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The Capstone (2)

And said YHWH Elohim, “It is not good for man to be alone; I will make for him a helper corresponding to him.”  Genesis 2:18 Helper – What does an ‘ezer do today?  How does a woman exercise her role as ‘ezer in a world that operates after the Fall, a world where men seem…
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