Today’s Word

A Heart On Fire

and you shall burn all the ram on the altar; it is a burnt offering to YHWH, a soothing fragrance Exodus 29:18 Burnt Offering – “What goes up.”  That’s the meaning of this Hebrew word (‘olah).  It’s the right description of the burnt offering because the smoke from this fire ascends to God and He…
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Threshing Floor

And this is the thing which you shall do to them, to sanctify them to minister as priest to Me Exodus 29:1 Sanctify – What kind of picture do we see with the word “sanctify”?  Most of us are thoroughly Greek when it comes to describing this word.  We think about holiness in word, thought…
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Taking A Bite

You shall not lend on interest to your brother Deuteronomy 23:19 Interest – What do we do with a commandment like this?  Our entire global economy is based on financial leverage.  Interest is an integral part of this mix.  How could God command us not to loan funds without any profit? There are several verses…
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Open Hand

YHWH looked down from the heavens on the sons of Adam to see, “Is there someone discerning, someone seeking out God?” Psalm 14:2 (Hebrew text) Discerning – What do you think about when you read the word “discerning?”  If you’re like most people of contemporary civilization, you think of a cognitive process.  You think about…
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Preach It, Brother!

Now while Peter was greatly perplexed in mind as to what the vision which he had seen might be, behold, the men who had been sent by Cornelius, having asked directions for Simon’s house, appeared at the gate; Acts 10:17 Perplexed In Mind – Why in the world would Peter be confused about the meaning…
Read the full article Preach It, Brother!


“My punishment is greater than I can bear” Genesis 4:13 Punishment – One of the greatest lessons of the Bible is reciprocity.  It is so important that the principle is repeated over and over in the stories of the Scriptures.  Once we recognize this principle, it helps us understand the potential dangers in our own…
Read the full article Measure-for-Measure

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