Today’s Word

Faith Without Words

Now the LORD said to Abram, “Go forth from your country,” Genesis 12:1 Said – Are you like Abram?  Think about the circumstances that surround Abram’s understanding of God.  Abram doesn’t have the written Word.  There were no Scriptures in Abram’s time.  Abram lives in a land of pagan worship and practices.  Abram has no…
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Residence Permit

YHWH, who will sojourn in Your tent, who will dwell on Your holy mountain? Psalm 15:1 (Translation: Robert Alter) Sojourn / Dwell –  David asks the ultimate housing question.  Who qualifies to live with God?  Robert Alter’s translation emphasizes the transition from temporary quarters (sojourn in a tent) to permanent structure (dwell in Zion).  The…
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Getting What We Deserve

“As you have done, it shall be done to you; your reward shall return on your head!” Obadiah 1:15 Reward – Hebrew justice is based on the idea of measure for measure.  It is summarized in this verse from one of the least known prophets.  What you have done to others will be done to…
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For Services Rendered

I will sing to YHWH because He has rewarded me.  Psalm 13:6 Rewarded – This verse sounds like money in the bank.  But before you run off to cash God’s reward check, read the remaining verses in this psalm. God rewards the faithful, no doubt about it.  God protects the righteous.  He brings justice to…
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Politically Correct

For Elohim is the King of all the earth Psalm 47:8 (Hebrew text) King – While we don’t often think about it, the political landscape of the Bible is so radically different from our contemporary experience of government that we easily make assumptions about God’s government that really don’t fit Scripture at all.  Reconsidering the…
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