Today’s Word

Personal Communication

“We will do all the words that YHWH has spoken.” Exodus 24:3 Has Spoken – How is it possible for the people of Israel to say that they will do all the words God has spoken?  God provided a lot of instructions.  In the Bible, there are pages and pages of God’s words about how…
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Technological Theology

“And it shall be when your son asks you in time to come, saying “What is this?” then you shall say to him, ‘With a powerful hand the LORD brought us out of Egypt, from the house of slavery.’” Exodus 13:14 Say – Too often we are influenced by factors in the culture that are…
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The Name

But I in Your kindness do trust, my heart exults in Your rescue. Psalm 13:6 (Hebrew text translation by Robert Alter) Rescue – If you read this verse in most English translations, you might see the word “salvation” here instead of “rescue.”  Don’t worry; the Hebrew word can be translated both ways.  What’s important, however,…
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God’s Résumé

But I in Your kindness do trust, my heart exults in Your rescue. Psalm 13:6 (Hebrew text translation by Robert Alter) Kindness – What does your résumé say about you?  My guess is that it contains a lot of the things that you have done.  It’s a summary of your accomplishments, but it doesn’t say…
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Jacob’s Ladder

And He said to him, “Amen, amen, I say to you, from now on you will see the heaven opened and the angels of God ascending and descending on the Son of Man.” John 1:51 On – Jesus knew Jacob.  He also knew that the preposition “on” in Hebrew can mean “because of.”  That’s something…
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Hide and Seek

“Surely YHWH was in this place, and I did not know it.” Genesis 28:16 This – Jacob learned something very important on the night that he used a rock for a pillow.  He discovered that Yahweh was in the place he least expected to find Him.  Jacob was on the run.  Fleeing from his brother…
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