Today’s Word

Entry Pass

Lord, who will sojourn in Your tent, who will dwell on Your holy mountain?  Psalm 15:1  Robert Alter Sojourn/ dwell – Who do you suppose the psalmist has in mind?  You have all the clues you need: a tent, a mountain, a temporary encampment, a permanent residence.  Who else could it be but Moses?  The…
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True Confession

For my life is exhausted in sorrow and my years in sighing.  Through my crime my strength stumbles and my limbs are worn out.  Psalm 31:11 (Hebrew Bible)  Robert Alter Crime – Note Robert Alter’s remark: “The translation follows the Masoretic Text, which has ba’awoni here.  But the Septuagint and the Peshitta read be’onyi, ‘in…
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Cease and Desist Orders

For my life is exhausted in sorrow and my years in sighing.  Through my crime my strength stumbles and my limbs are worn out.  Psalm 31:11 (Hebrew Bible)  Robert Alter Exhausted in sorrow – an excerpt. When he looked up, Nathan was gone. “Call him back.  Call him back.”  He almost shouted, but in the…
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Safe Haven (Rewind)

In You, O Lord, I have taken refuge; let me never be ashamed; in Your righteousness deliver me.  Psalm 31:1  NASB 1995 Never be ashamed – It’s been almost four years since I wrote this study of Psalm 31.  We covered every verse in that month.  Four years later I wonder if anything has really changed.  Maybe…
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Get Thee Behind Me (Rewind)

Because of the surpassing greatness of the revelations, for this reason, to keep me from exalting myself, there was given me a thorn in the flesh, a messenger of Satan to torment me—to keep me from exalting myself! Concerning this I implored the Lord three times that it might leave me.  2 Corinthians 12:7-8  NASB…
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By the Numbers

for which I was appointed a preacher and an apostle and a teacher  2 Timothy 1:11  NASB 1995 Was appointed – According to one source,[1] Paul wrote about 28 percent of the “New Testament.”  That source, however, included the letters to the Hebrews as Pauline which is most likely not the case.  So, you might…
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