Today’s Word

Invisible Grace

I am exhausted from my calling out.  My throat is hoarse.  My eyes fail from hoping for my God.  Psalm 69:4 [Hebrew Bible]  Robert Alter Eyes fail – In Hebrew the expression is כָּל֥וּ עֵינָ֑י (kalu enay).  From our perspective, it seems a bit odd.  We don’t hope with our eyes.  For us, hope is…
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Death by Drowning

Rescue me, God, for the waters have come up to my neck.  I have sunk in the slime of the deep, and there is no place to stand.  I have entered the watery depths, and the current has swept me away.  Psalm 69:2-3 [Hebrew Bible]  Robert Alter To stand – “Wade in the water” are…
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A Change in Direction

Save me, O God, for the waters have threatened my life.  Psalm 69:1 NASB 1995 Save – Seventeen years ago I wrote something about this verse.  I’d like to correct some of that.  Here’s the original with some corrections and comments (in red): Free Me, Jesus “and you shall call his name Jesus, for he…
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Moving the Dot

Then he took up his discourse and said, “The declaration of Balaam the son of Beor, and the declaration of the man whose eye is opened; the declaration of him who hears the words of God, who sees the vision of [f]the Almighty, falling down, yet having his eyes uncovered,  Numbers 24:3-4  NASB Is opened – Rabbi Shraga…
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The Chasidic Soul (2)

And what is the portion of God from above, or the inheritance of the Almighty from on high?   Job 31:2  NASB Portion – Let’s continue with our discussion of the article on teshuvah from “Teshuvah is therefore a spiritual repudiation of philosopher Will Durant’s statement: “We are what we repeatedly do.” Judaism teaches us otherwise. We…
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The Chasidic Soul (1)

And what is the portion of God from above, or the inheritance of the Almighty from on high?   Job 31:2  NASB Portion – I recently received an insightful article from  It is worth reading so I am pasting it here.  After you’ve read through it, I’ll have some comments. Repentance: Teshuvah (תשובה)   Return to the…
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